Sunday, February 5, 2017

Trump - "You think this country is so innocent"?

This is the most hopeful statement I have heard out of Trump's mouth since he became president.

The IDIOT Bill O'Reilly is pushing Trump with NEO-CON BS, demonizing Vladimir Putin - O'Reilly says, "Putin's a killer!" repeats it three times belligerently - meaning that if you don't agree with me you are naive and not fit to be president. Trump responds, "Putin's a killer. There are a lot of killers. What? Do you think our country is so innocent?"

O'Reilly and FOX are guilty of millions of those killings, whipping up fever for wars that were nothing but Luciferian Globalist Conquest.  This is the FIRST president since World War ONE, that is willing to admit that our country is not innocent and virginal and has engaged in UNNECESSARY killing. Research the Phoenix Project, just to name one American holocaust, it was Barbaric and BRUTAL.

Even this CNN report had to admit that "America has made some mistakes."  That's the understatement of the 20th and 21st Centuries!  It doesn't matter how they attack Trump for this statement that, "Shock! Oh God! America is not innocent." With this statement, he has opened a can of worms, lanced a festering wound, given permission and encouraged the topic and it is a topic the CIAmerican Media, the Neo-Liberal/Neo-Con Globalist Media has totally ignored. All anyone has to do is play the few seconds of Madeline Albright saying that for "foreign policy reasons" killing FIVE-HUNDRED THOUSAND Iraqi children was "worth it."

The reason I mention "The Phoenix Project," is that it operated with constant "False Flag" operations. They, the CIA with military special forces, would dress as the enemy, murder and maim innocent South Vietnamese villagers, purposely leaving witnesses to the atrocities. That is what a False Flag is and where the name came from, staging false attacks, dressed and purported to be the enemy, killing innocent people for propaganda purposes. This country will never heal until the government becomes honest enough to admit the hundreds, maybe thousands of False Flags overseas, and the ones they have conducted ON OUR SOIL, KILLING OUR PEOPLE, to HERD US.

The Mother of all False Flags

Believe the lies of the damned, or find the courage to face the truth!  ONLY the Truth can set us free.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

CNN IN PAIN: I watched a little of CNN, MSNBC and Fox yesterday - just to view the "optics." Here is my conclusion, which is really a question. I wonder how long these talking Cultural Marxist WONKS can keep the expression on their faces like a bad smell every time the subject is Trump and/or one of his actions? 

You people watching the shite all the time are probably clueless to the visual cue your subconscious absorbs like a sponge. The visual message is that Trump is an uncomfortable and painful topic, like the expression you have on your face when circumstances dictate that you have to admit to your best friend, that he is the only stupid SOB who didn't know his wife had been cheating on him for years. It is really hilarious to watch the B-grade acting. Sad part is, most of you are so used to it, so conditioned by it, you don't notice it, you just absorb the message, and wish that Trump would just settle down and stop creating such a ruckus.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Trumpetence noun tr·ump·e·tence \ˈträm-pə-tən(t)s\ 

1: a sufficiency of means for the necessities and conveniences of running an empire 

2: the quality or state of being competent: such as a : the properties of a government administration at hyper-speed and total efficiency b : readiness of America to undergo a transformation from decaying shit to GREATNESS again 

3: the knowledge that enables a Kraken to SMASH the Deep State while rebuilding a Great Nation.

Courtesy Rex Christi.

THE NEW CIVIL WAR IS REAL: Part Deux - Here is UNZ and Politico agreeing with me that we are in a new Civil War - people you have to take this seriously, or we will snatch defeat out of the very jaws of VICTORY.

How appropriate that George Soros has chosen for the American Civil War, (Color Revolution) the color pussy pink. YES, it is appropriate, and we are fools if we do not take these pink pussies seriously. This is the Marxist trying to REGAIN the reigns of the Visible Government. Understand they hold control of the "institutions" of the Deep State intelligence swamp, with its Gestapo Powers, the Deep State Media you know as CNN, ABC, NBC, FOX, etc., etc., and all the major newspapers and book and magazine publishers. They have BILLIONS of dollars that the Marxist Obama funneled to them through the corrupt TRILLION Dollar stimulus package, BILLIONS of which are unaccounted - disappeared into thin air, like 16 years ago 2.5 TRILLION of Pentagon money went "POOF" and the unaccounted money was announced on September the 10th, 2001 and the NEXT DAY 9/11/2001 a missile hit the Pentagon, and KILLED, the auditors who had discovered the loss of the money, and destroyed all the records they were using for the audit, leaving NO CHANCE we will ever know the fate of that money. Of this unfathomable slush fund, they financed Gladio B, financing all the subversive movements from Israel to China, taking control of Central Asia, billions of which financed ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Nusra, the Syrian and Lybian and Ukrainian revolutions, brought us Benghazi, plundered the Lybian military arsenal and the Lybian's GOLD reserve, which was HUGE, and NOW they have gone to work on America. Do you really think that they are willing to "stand down" because of the ACCIDENTAL lost of ONE Election? IT IS TIME TO STAND UP! AND NOT THE TIME TO CELEBRATE, folks WE ARE AT WAR.

A “Color Revolution” Is Under Way in the United States

You have been #ButchSlapped-TruthBombed.  Get Over it, or better yet, LEARN from it.
Trump's election has not changed the basic equation of this Civil War!

Lord Jesus Christ, do not allow us to get COMFORTABLE, people who grow comfortable and lazy do not and cannot FIGHT. I wrote in 2012:

Butch Robinson
January 28, 2012 at 12:19pm ·

This nation is most certainly uncomfortable and unhappy. It is a birthing process, and we are, shortly to be reborn a nation newly dedicated to the God Given rights of LIFE, LIBERTY and the Pursuit of Happiness, or we are going to be reborn a Marxist/Muslim Sharia compliant non-state, merely a cog in the wheel of the international Cultural Marxist government. (A Luciferian Enterprise) It is time, NOW. Today, We have to choose.

"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers." ~ M. Scott Peck

Trump's election has not changed the basic equation of this Civil War, it has merely taken a new battlefield, with the Mainstream Media being exposed as the Globalist/Psyops mechanism it is and the Marxist and Muslims putting their dogs in the streets, as the Psyops media hypes them, making it appear that the world is coming to an end because there is a man in the White House, now, they cannot control.

It is the same method they use to hype America's tiny Muslim population to make you think there are Muslims everywhere, and of course, that tiny minority does all in it power fired by Saudi money to BE as visible as possible; they call it civilization Jihad. And like the hype of the tiny gay population to make you think that half the country at least, is gay. These two populations together would not reflect in REALITY 3 percent of the American population. They are FRINGE, and that is what you are seeing demonstrated in the streets, radical Marxist/Muslim FRINGE. THEY are no more representative of America than the American Communist Party of the 1930s and their boss Joseph Stalin. Today the boss is George Soros, instead of “governing a state” he “OWNS” an empire, that until Trump was sworn-in included the power of the CIA.

How much of the American DEEP STATE Soros still controls will be visibly demonstrated in the coming weeks and months.

I was not exaggerating when I spoke of the Winter of 2012 being our Nation's Darkest days. There is more hope now because the battles are mega-times larger, and Trump is employing the power of the Visible State, against the Cultural Marxist Shadow Government. Make no mistake, the rabble in the streets represents that Shadow Government and are ready to take control IF WE FAIL.


Friday, January 27, 2017

President Donald Trump is as popular in Russia as President Vladimir Putin. So popular, in fact, that there is a craze in Russia to get dental crowns scribed with the picture of Putin and Trump. Yes REALLY, it's a "thing."
"The leaks coming out of the Trump White House cast the president as a clueless child" - So says the DEEP STATE's psyops organ called the Washington Post.  They are not just insulting Trump, defaming him but purposely trying to BAIT him.  I'm relaying the story, but I will never again post a link to the Washington Post.

By Dylan Byers
January 27, 2017
President Donald Trump's chief strategist has escalated the administration's war with the media, labeling it "the opposition party" and suggesting that it "keep its mouth shut."

"The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for awhile," Steve Bannon said during a rare interview with The New York Times on Wednesday.

"I want you to quote this," Bannon told the Times. "The media here is the opposition party. They don't understand this country. They still do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States."