Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Only THREE Business Days as President and . . . . OH MY GOD!

Trump Inauguration Crowd "controversy" has two purposes.
(1) Try to weaken his "mandate" - it is failing on that account.
(2) Try to create a smokescreen to keep people from being aware of the EARTH shaking reforms he has, is and will accomplish in his first week in office. This is fully successful.

Most people do not know about the HUGE moves Trump has already made.

(1) Neutering the EPA, propaganda mill, that was pushing the false narrative of "Global Warming"

(2) Destroying 40 years of David Rockefeller's Globalist work through the Tri-Lateral Commission, by killing TPP.

(3) Reigniting the U.S. Steel industry, ruling that all American Pipelines have to use American produced pipes, made from American forged Steel - this is huge.

(4) Reigniting the U.S. Oil Industry via the two major pipelines Obama had blocked for years.

(5) Today it will be halting Radical Muslim immigration.

(6) Making good on building the border wall

(7) Blocking Obama last minute donation of $221 Million, to his Muslim buddies in the Palestinian Authority.

(8) Launching a State Department investigation into the Palestinian Authority for Criminal Corruption and support of Terrorism.

(9) Promising to Federalize the City of Chicago's Department of Public Safety, if Rahm Emanuel does not stop his Saul Alinsky destruction of Chicago, by ignoring Gang violence.

(10) Setting a short time limit for EPA to produce "Environmental Impact Statements," robbing the EPA of the tool of permanently stalling vital projects, like they killed the Mexican Border fence a decade ago.

(11) T
he Federal Government hiring freeze. This is not going to be lifted anytime soon.

Trump ordering the Justice Department to investigate massive voter fraud, and he named for the first time, something I have related many times, and that is people registered to vote in two states, and/or two locations. This is way more common than people think. He Tweeted:

"I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and....even, those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures!"

(13) Executive Order to BUILD THE WALL!

(14) Executive Order to halt all Immigration from Jihadi Countries.

(15) Turned the Border Patrol and ICE loose to do their jobs.

(16) Ended on the Border Catch and Release.  These people are going to get prosecuted for crossing the border illegally, which will put them at the back of the line to ever come legally.

PLEASE ORANGE AND GOLDEN MEGA BUBBA, Slow Down!  This winning is exhausting!

I'm sure there are other things I have missed. This list is just off the top of my head, but it is REAL

So what do they want to talk about? What has flooded the FAKE/Globalist/News? Conway's "Alternative Facts" statement, which was genuinely stupid, and the size of Trump Inauguration Crowd.

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